Saturday, October 07, 2006

The James Dean of the Webcomic World

If I've been a little quiet lately, it's mostly because I've got a lot on my plate and I'm lucky to be getting the comics cranked out on time, let alone write something entertaining or meaningful down here. I'm teaching full-time, taking two night classes towards my lincensure/Master's of Education (because that's exactly what I need: another degree), spending time with my girlfriend, playing my guitar...there's hardly enough hours in the day, y'know? But I'm doing what I can to keep up with it all.

However, I did notice a big jump in visitors the other day, but there's nothing showing where they came from. Maybe a bunch of you just decided to show up again, all on the same day? I dunno. But we're back up in triple-digits again (the mid-100s), so that's groovy. If you just suddenly decided to return to the fold, welcome. If you're new here and someone twisted your arm/threatened you with phyiscal violence if you didn't read my comic, welcome as well.

I've seen the "secret project" Adam's been working on. Y'know, the stuff he's been cranking out with relative speed but hasn't been showing to people? Yeah, I'm getting to read what he's doing, and I find it pretty damn good. Boy hasn't lost a step despite not posting a regular comic for nigh-on a year now.

I've got a three-day weekend this weekend, what with Monday being the holiday for that jerk who doesn't deserve a holiday. Oh well; I'll take the day off, regardless of whether or not Columbus was deserving of his own day.


Anonymous said...

Hey, if you don't like the whole "Colombus Day" thing, then join me in celebrating Canadian Thanksgiving Day. Giving thanks twice a year sounds like a lot more fun than celebrating a dead guy who sailed in some ship.

Chuck Cottrell said...

See, that's the sort of thing I could get behind. Viva la Canada!

Anonymous said...

if you hate columbus, then you hate america!
