Wednesday, October 25, 2006


Yeah, didn't get the comic made last night, obviously. But it's done and should be up now, I think.

As a peace offering, please accept this alternate version of today's comic with a very different new foster family for the beleaguered Cletus.

In order for the comic to make any sense in either form, you have to realize two things:

1) The Hatfields and the McCoys are two families in West Virginia that started a feud way back in the 1800s over someone stealing someone else's pig or something similar. They're not really sure anymore, though I did read something a couple of years back about how they've take the feud out of the shootin' at each other stage and have upgraded to the suein' each other stage, so that's progress for you.

2) Hank McCoy is also known as Beast in the X-Men. For shame if you did not know that. And if you don't know who Magneto is...well, what the hell are you doing reading a webcomic at all?

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