Monday, February 06, 2006

The Jaded

The Jaded is now free again! It's been on Graphic Smash, a subscription site through the Modern Tales family, for the past year and a half or so. While this was great for Ping in terms of visitors and all that jazz, it made it tough to really follow the comic (which is very plot-heavy, 'cause it has to be). Keeping track of what happened from one week to the next was impossible if you didn't have a subscription.

Well, Ping's taken the comic off Graphic Smash and it's strictly free again. While there isn't the promise of immediate new comics, we do have a message from Ping making it clear that the comic isn't dead and won't be disappearing. I, for one, will be glad to see The Jaded start back up. I enjoy Longest Sojourn, but I miss me some gritty merc action. I might even have a chance to read through the archive again to catch up before she starts again.

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