Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Curse of the Long Day

So Tuesdays are really bad days for me, it seems. They're my long days, when I'm at work until 4.00 and then go straight to a class that lasts until 8.30 or so. By the time I get home, grab a bite to eat, and get stuff done for school for Wednesday, there's not much time for doing a comic, especially when I haven't figured out what the hell the comic will be about yet.

All this is by the way of explaining why there's no new comic for Wednesday quite yet. I'll draw one Wednesday when I get home from work, honest. I'm gonna figure out a better schedule (and maybe start scripting comics ahead of time again, like I did back in the day) so this doesn't happen. Believe me, I hate missing an update more than you do, and I've missed entirely too many lately (yeah, I know, there are no actual gaps in the comics, but there've been too many of these "I'll draw it tomorrow" days for my liking).

Until then, continue to enjoy Adam's teaser art. The concept, if it's the one I'm thinking of, is pretty groovy, I must say. I'm curious to see what the Monkey comes up with.

1 comment:

Noise Monkey said...

I promise to disappoint!

...wait...that's not right...