Thursday, August 24, 2006

What I did on MY Vacation (significantly less interesting than Monkey's trip)

So I got home from Oklahoma last night. A week and a half visiting with family and some friends. I heard some good music, ate some good food, had some good conversations, played some pretty poor pool (turns out I am not a billiards pro, but a guy who did very poorly in geometry). I got to see all the relatives, hung out with some friends I hadn't expected to see, and got fed everywhere I went. Highly enjoyable, even if there was too much driving back and forth across the state of Oklahoma and up into Kansas.

Anyway, expect comics soon. Tomorrow, as a matter of fact.


Noise Monkey said...

You need to talk to your mom about this living in Kansas crap. What was she thinking?

Chuck Cottrell said...

I'm sure she was thinking, "well, it may be flat and boring, but at least I'm not living in Arkansas."