Wednesday, March 10, 2004


The real question is, does MIA stand for "Missing in Action" or "Master's in Action?" 'Cause either would be appropriate this week, since I'm going to spend the whole thing writing said Master's Thesis. Should be able to have the rough draft knocked out by least, that's what I hope, since that's when I told my committee and my parents I'd have the rough draft done by. Sounds like this is gonna be a week of many all-nighters. Also looks like I picked the wrong year to give up soda pop (and thus, caffine) for Lent. The amusing thing about that is, I'm not even Catholic.


As the Monkey pointed out, and as you may have noticed if you have eyes in your head, the site is under a wee bit of construction. We're trying to work out a more efficient way of doing the newsposts (we've got a couple of ideas in mind), and a couple of other minor things...such as the new background. And the dropdown. And we'll have a few links to our friends and favorites on the main page, just for kicks. And when I say "we" are doing all this, I really mean "Adam is doing all this," because I learned long ago that my abilities with html and site design to phrse this? They're complete crap. So I let Adam do all this stuff.

Granted, we're both busy as hell this week, so don't expect anything to really get done until Spring Break at the earliest.

Speaking of Changes, we're not the only ones going through 'em. It appears that Ping of The Jaded got an offer from a website called Graphic Smash to come join them for a six month trial period. This is important because they're gonna give her money to do her comic. That is really freakin' cool. It's always nice when someone recognizes really amazing talent with monetary compensation. Personally, I'd love to get paid to draw Crooked Halo or write Troubled Times. I'm gonna keep doing them even though I'm not getting paid (just as I know Ping would do even if she weren't getting this deal from Graphic Smash), but it's nice to see that good work gets recognized.

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