Saturday, August 30, 2003

SIlence and Insomnia

Hymn to the Silence

Hey folks. Sorry about my silence and Wednesday's lack of a real comic. Things've been hectic the past week or so, getting ready for classes to start up again, working, and visiting my grandparents for the weekend (which was fun). But yeah, I'm back now, and should be on top of things for Friday and from there on out. I hope. If not,'ll post more filler. Soon, this'll be like Megatokyo, only the art won't be as pretty.

Up All Night

Lately, I've suffered from some mild, annoying insomnia. Operating on three or four hours of sleep a night is something I can do, but usually I wait until the END Of the semester to start that sort of behavior, not the beginning.

Anyway, not really a whole lot worth talking about right now. Lots of important things going on, just none that need to be talked about or discussed. On a sad note, I do wish to say goodbye to Nicholas, Wendy's cat. He had to be put to sleep Wednesday because he suffered from FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis). I had the pleasure to meet this kitten last August when I visited Wen, and even I (who am not an animal person in general) couldn't help but love the rascal. I'll try to find a couple of pictures to post of him this weekend. My heart goes out to Wen. Nicholas will be sorely missed.

Now that I've thoroughly depressed everyone...eesh.

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