Sunday, April 02, 2006

Guest Comic!

The (somewhat belated but totally worth it) comic is a surprise guest comic from Ping Teo! Ping, for those of you living under a rock, is the amazing artist behind The Jaded, The Longest Sojourn, and the webcomics journey blog Webcomic Finds. I also did a comic for The Longest Sojourn, though I dunno if she's had a chance to post it yet. I'm always floored by what she can do with her tablet o' power, and this case is no exception.

Besides, she had Bob the Goat say "Oh crumbs." Does it get any better than that? I don't think so.


Tim said...

Hey, that's pretty badass. Yay for you! And it's kinda nice that you now at least have an excuse to keep Bob in continuity, if you were so inclined.

Poor Bob, we hardly knew ye...

Noise Monkey said...



ugh...excuse a cold...

Chuck Cottrell said...

You promised you'd never bring those accursed things up again, Monkey! You are a bad, bad Monkey! No banana!


Man, that didn't come out right at all.