Sunday, April 16, 2006

Apathism High Holy Day

Today, the day after Easter, is the official high holy day of the Apathy Religion, which my friend James came up with way back during college. See, the idea is to go to Wal-Mart or Target or whatever the day after Easter and buy all the discounted Easter candy you can carry. Or not. Whatever. It's a religion based on apathy, so we really don't give a damn what you do.

Wal-Mart really does carry the chocolate Jesus, by the way. He comes in milk chocolate and white chocolate varieties, which is probably some sort of commentary on something somewhere. I dunno.

Oh, and the Tom Waits song Simon references, "Chocolate Jesus," is really freaking cool. Tom Waits is my hero. I wish I had a whiskey-soaked rasp like he does.


Anonymous said...

whiskey soaked rasp? that's just what you need... something else to throw your voice off key.

-the smokin' okie, clyde cottrell

Anonymous said...

I might one day if I don't stop smoking. It is one of those pleasent side effects, like the cancer.
