Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Schlock to the System

So some time back (waaaaaay back, really), Adam did a little "let's see how many cameos I can work into a single comic" thing. For some of 'em, he asked permission; most notably, from Howard Tayler, the more-machine-now-than-man who cranks out the excellent Schlock Mercenary on a daily basis (there is a rumor that the world will come to an end the day Mr. Tayler misses an update. If that's the case, I think we're all pretty safe). Mr. Tayler was gracious enough to give Adam permission--after all, it didn't really hurt him that our 100-visitors-per-day, not-makin'-any-money-off-this website featured a couple of his characters--and Adam put 'em in. And a couple months back, Adam did a little fanart in appreciation and thanks for that graciousness.

Well, today, Howard Tayler posted that fanart in his blog on the Schlock Mercenary site along with a link to Dim Bulb. To be linked by Mr. Tayler is a huge honor. Adam and I have both been reading Schlock for several years; in fact, it was Adam who got me into the comic in the first place.

Anyway, to the folks who wandered over here from Schlock Mercenary, welcome. We've got a kind of strange setup here, what with running more than one comic through the site. There are convenient archive buttons that'll take you through the two individual comics separately (seeing as how we alternate days and stuff; it's awful difficult navigating between both Vapor Lock and Crooked Halo otherwise). We hope you'll stick around with us, maybe even add us to your bookmarks. That'd be swell, really.


Anonymous said...

Hey just thought I'd let you know I've journeyed from the Schlockverse and have enjoyed the comic enough to add to my bookmarks

Keep up the good work

Chuck Cottrell said...

We're glad to have you! Thanks for joining us.