Tuesday, September 27, 2005

More Filler

Yeah, I know, more filler. I apologize, but real life is taking precedent right now. Some major things are happening and I'm having trouble being funny or creative. You're probably lucky you're even getting filler.

I'll try to have a comic up Friday, but no promises. This isn't looking like it's going to be a good week, I'm afraid.


Noise Monkey said...

Don't worry about the comic. Take care of your stuff and the comic will be waiting for you to come back to it when you're ready.

I'll try not to run things into the ground in the meantime.

Chuck Cottrell said...

A big part of me feels I need to make the effort to keep on. I mean, I can't let what's happening to my parents totally disrupt my life. I've always used humor as a defense mechanism and a weapon, as a way to cope with things I couldn't handle if I took them seriously. Perhaps I should do that now (though not necessarily by making jokes about their situation, mind. More in the take my mind off of it by making myself laugh thing).

Anyway, I really want to get a comic up Friday. As it stands, our readership numbers are already slipping pretty seriously (and have been for quite a while...I don't know what happened, really).

Noise Monkey said...

well, technically, they haven't been as bad as the log looks at first. once you take out all the days it shows zero and average the rest, it looks like its leveled out. The log has been screwy lately.

Also, it didn't help the slide when I broke my hand and started recycling.