Monday, September 04, 2006

"Boom, Like That"

Happy Labor Day, folks! I know I appreciated the three-day weekend before school begins in earnest. All the little young'uns show up ready to learn again tomorrow (in theory, anyway). I've got new coworkers, we've got a few new students, and I get to teach some different classes. Should be fun.

A few comic links to get you through the long, lonely nights:

Order of the Stick is hilarious if you've ever played a traditional roleplaying game. Even if you haven't, it's still pretty damn funny (you'll just get more of the jokes if you have, that's all).

girl/robot is twisted, in a good way. Seeing innocence die over there on a daily basis is funny as hell, for some reason.

Eight to One
is finally updating regularly again, and yeahduff has lost none of his game.

The long-running Adventurers! is drawing to a close. Go check it out before the final credits roll.

Alright, back to loafing about and enjoying the gorgeous weather. Maybe I'll go play my guitar outside for awhile. Later, folks.

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