Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Blast from the past!

So I got today's comic uploaded as well as a "treat": a page from the ol' sketchbook o' doom. The page contains a couple of rough comics from my original conception of the Mercenary Missionary storyline, well before I'd even though of incorporating it into the Deity Kit story (or before I'd even thought of a Deity Kit). The dates on the two comics place them in July of 2003, so the idea's been kicking around for some time (that would've been the summer Clyde was staying with me in Norman. The Mercenary Missionary story was originally his idea). I think what I've done with the story is much stronger now than it was in 2003. I've grown as a storyteller.

Not that that's necessarily saying a whole lot, mind you.

Also, today's actual comic features three cameos by real people I know. I'll buy a beer for anyone who can recognize the folks in the three panels, including the bearded chap we only see part of in panel three.

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