Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Rag on the Monkey

A quick glance at the Monkey's rantspace shows you what he's been up to rather than drawing comics: watching TV and taking cute pictures of his kid.

Well, he has drawn some comics in the past year or so. I think I've got most of 'em saved in email somewhere. I'll start posting them to alternate with my own comics as soon as I've finished this storyline.

*insert maniacal laughter*

Monday, February 26, 2007


I'm still right on target with comics this week. Today's is already up, and I'm going to try to get the rest of the comics for this week (and maybe even next week) done tomorrow night in class (God, I'm such a bad influence for my own students. "What'd you do in class last night, Mr. Cottrell?" "Well, Little Timmy, I drew three comics and scripted five more!" "But isn't it a class on postsecondary and transition services for students with disabilities?" "Shut up, Little Timmy").

Anyway, expect the flow of comics to continue unabated. This storyline's coming to a close real soon, if I can get it to work out properly.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

"I shot 'im, but I didn't mean to kill 'im!"

I made it back from New York City. The Big Apple didn't devour me whole, but I did eat at a Mob-owned restaurant. That was pretty cool.

Comic for Wednesday is ready. Comics for Friday and Monday are also scanned and ready to be uploaded, so even though I'm gonna be gone Thursday and Friday on a school ski trip, you'll still get a comic. Aren't you lucky?

Friday, February 16, 2007

"Start spreadin' the news..."

Sorry about the lack of comic today. Didn't have internet all day for some reason, and I was busy running errands and trying to make the apartment look presentable.

Heading to New York City tomorrow for the long weekend, so if you get a comic on Monday, it'll be late. Just a heads up.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

"VD" can mean so many things...

Comic's up now. Had it all drawn and stuff last night, but forgot to scan it and load it to the site. It's there now for your viewing pleasure.

Had a snow day today. We're having another tomorrow. Everything the students learned the first two days of school is just leaking out the side of their heads as I type, I'm sure.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Why am I suddenly stylish?

Comic will go up this afternoon after work. It's already drawn, I just decided quality time with the wife was more important last night than scanning. Yeah, I know, where the hell are my priorities.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Let It Snow, Bi-atch

The best thing about being a teacher? Snow days.

Comic will be up this afternoon. I'm takin' the wife down to a job interview 'cause she doesn't like to drive in the snow. Can't say I blame her for that, really.